Cobb County​

The Brief

Do you want to be part of the change in Cobb County? Join Cobb County Young Republicans and participate in local government.

Cobb County Young Republicans is an organization that enables young professionals and their families to become active, informed voters and participate in different social activities to gain access to numerous political networks, professional opportunities, and personal connections.

Cobb County Young Republicans are looking for a website to engage more youth in the political process. They will be able to better reach their target audience and educate them on what is happening in their community.

Corporate Advisory

Comunity Club​



Services Involved

Web Design
Web Development
Content Writing​



Many young people are not engaged with local, state, or national politics and don’t vote in elections. The lack of engagement is common among young people in America. Unless they have a concrete reason to vote, they’re more likely to stay home and tune out.

With Young Republicans’ website, they want to help connect young people with the political process, creating a powerful way for them to become informed voters. They want to make voting fun and exciting so they do this by providing up-to-date news about the party and candidates for local elections.

Omer Farooq delivered a state-of-the-art WordPress website that features responsive web design, Elementor theme customization, WP Rocket plugin optimization, and social media integration.


In the beginning, when Omer Farooq worked on the website it was outdated and designed a decade ago when the internet was not so prevalent. The content on it does not represent the passions and goals of the organization, which are visibility and engagement.

Hence, Omer Farooq designed an SEO-friendly WordPress website using Elementor Theme and WP Rocket Plugin for speed optimization to make your site run faster than ever before. Moreover, all the website content was rewritten while giving the site a new modern look and inspiring message.

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